Eco-friendly scrapbooking is simple: Use what you have and be creative. By "going green" on your scrapbook pages, you can save money as well as precious resources. You don't have to stop buying all the pretty paper you see at the store or in catalogs. Green scrapbooking is not a twelve-step program, but a way to balance the excess consumption of all that pretty paper and embellishments in your scrapbooks. So take a look around you. What do you see that can be used in a scrapbook or as a scrapbook?
- Paper scraps
- Worn-out fabric
- Old buttons
- Broken jewelry
- Leftover fibers (ribbon, thread, etc.)
- Produce mesh
- Scratched CDs
- Cardboard (cereal boxes, paper rolls)
- Greeting cards
- Words in magazines
- Unwanted board books
- Maps
- Dictionary pages
- Calendars
- Playing cards
- Wrapping paper
- Puzzle pieces
- Junk mail
- Notebook paper
- Candy wrappers
- _____________ You fill in the blank.
"Autumn" (8x8 Page Layout)
"The Mantis" (8x8 Page Layout)
"Trash The Dress" (12x12 Page Layout)
"My Green 2Do List" (12x12 Page Layout)
Want to learn more? Read my guest post, Elaborando Una Página de Scrapbook "Ecológica,"on Zaira Ivette's blog, Hacer Scrapbooks. (There's a translate button at the top of the page.) Hacer Scrapbooks is also on Twitter as @HacerScrapbooks.
All layouts were created by Danielle Hunter of Scrappin' Memories 4U.
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