Babies! They are so cute and cuddly when they aren't stinky. They grow so fast and before you know it, what was once helpless in your arms is now toddling around, eating Cheerios with a dash of dog hair off the floor. So grab your camera and take lots and lots and lots of photos! Don't worry, you can always delete the bad ones and there will be many of them with a fast-moving bundle of joy zooming around your living room and the store and any open space, especially when your oldest child is playing soccer and you have to chase your toddler onto the soccer field. (Yes, I know this from experience.)
When your child is still a baby, make it a habit to write down memories and accomplishments in a journal since you won't have as much time to scrapbook. By doing this, you will have what you need for the journaling that goes alongside the photographs on your scrapbook pages. "Mommy brain" will cause you to forget some of these memories, so after taking photos of your child eating applesauce for the first time, write it down in a journal or even a piece of paper.
Quotes can also capture a special moment by setting the mood of a scrapbook layout. The quote can be from a famous person or even your own child. Just remember to document as much as possible as your child grows up. Photo albums are great, but scrapbooks with photos and journaling are even better.
"Kisses" (8.5x11 Page Layout)
Photograph by Rick Sheridan of Look At Me Studios
"W" (8x8 Page Layout)
"Birth Story" (12x12 Page Layout)
All layouts were created by Danielle Hunter of Scrappin' Memories 4U.
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