Welcome to Day Two of The Super Sisters! If you missed Day One, don't worry, you can still see it HERE. Now let's see what Big Sis and Lil Sis are up to...
The Super Sisters and the Balloon Attack!
© 2010 Danielle Hunter
Panel 1
Big Sis: The balloons got me!
Panel 2
Lil Sis: I can help you!
Big Sis: The balloons got me!
Panel 2
Lil Sis: I can help you!
Big Sis: Help! Help! Help!
Panel 3
Panel 3
Big Sis is reaching for help.
Panel 4
Big Sis: NO!
Panel 5
Big Sis: AHH!
Panel 1
CAPTION: The evil balloons have taken over...but not for long!
Panel 2
Lil Sis: You're going down!!
Panel 3
CAPTION: Lil Sis crawls fast to save Big Sis from the evil balloons.
Panel 4
CAPTION: Big Sis is stuck inside the balloons. Lil Sis works quickly to save her sister.
Panel 5
Lil Sis: They are no match for us!
Panel 6
Lil Sis: I saved you!
Big Sis: I knew you could do it!
For your viewing pleasure, let's look at Page Two close-up:
And Page Three...
Stop by ScrappinMemories4U.com tomorrow for the exciting conclusion of The Super Sisters and the Balloon Attack!
Note: Disregard the tilts and warps of the pages above. I was having some minor photography issues and can't seem to photograph two-page layouts very well. Trust me, everything is lined up perfectly on the original pages. I know I shouldn't be apologizing, but if you know me then you know I'm a bit anal about things like this.